The Energy of Black
Black ink physical characteristics
Black is colourlessness
Complementary colour : White
Variations on the colour black
Some colour variations: Payne Grey, Ivory, Neutral
Other chromatic fields of colour : Black

The colour black in the western world
Symbolism of the colour Black
Represents death, melancholy, nothingness, evil, lies and falsehood.
Symbolically, black and white have always been associated with opposing energies. In our universe, they both confront and complement each other.
Other common associations
Element = metal
Stone= Onix
Orientation= North
In Catholic history and religion
Black is the funeral hue of old Saturn. The colour black has always been a symbol of sadness, mourning and death.
In everyday language, black is often associated with malevolence (black designs, black soul, black beast, black sheep, black market…) and pessimism (black ideas, brooding, black mood…). Today, however, it also has a positive connotation. It represents wealth and refinement. Just think of the ceremonial outfits and the many luxury items that are available.
the colour Black in Asia
In Chinese tradition, the symbol of yin and yang represented the duality of black and white.
in China, young boys wear black
In Chinese theatre, colour symbolism is used extensively for the audience’s identification of either the roles or the characters of the actors.
Black is therefore reserved for lower ranked characters.
In India, it restores balance and health.
Other representations of the colour Black
For the Middle East, it symbolises rebirth as much as mourning. In Africa, black symbolises maturity and masculinity
In Chromatotherapy
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Physical actions of the colour Black
Physical actions of the colour Black
Depressing when used alone
Useful for creating contrasts